kolmapäev, 11. juuni 2014

Dear Host family...

Now you kind of know who I am, we have wrote to each other and made some Skype-calls. But you don't know my story, so there it is, a little story about my journey into you family in Belgium...

Once upon a time, there was a little happy girl, named Hele. She lived with her mom and spend a lot of time with her granny and cousins. She had fun, exiting life. Went years and years and Hele grew...

and grew...

and grew...

 till she became a sweet 16 years old teen.

She took care of others and the others took care of her. By that time there had been big changes and Hele had got a great family with mom, dad, 2 football-crazy brothers ...

and of course him, cute little bunny...

Pipi is a funny bunny with whom you'll never get bored. He jumps higher than high, he's faster that fast and she's cuter than cute. Pipi is a friend for everyone.

All this, just a normal (ok, bit better but still...) life was so day-after-day-week-after-week things were good. Till one day Hele felt that she would like to have a big adventure into her life, something that would change her, something that she can tell her grandchildren when she's old.

So there she was ... dreaming ...
"May-be I should color my hear ...or change school ... or ..."

Till one day ...

"Do you want to go for an exchange student? Let me call Lisa, she can tell you about this."

Okey, sounds good, yes, may-be really...

Very happy Lisa: "So, where are we going to send you?"

Something inside Hele said, that it has to be Belgium.

Time was running out so everything had to be done as soon as possible.

After few week everything was done: Hele had passed the "test",signed contract and the journey could begin.

To make her dream happen, she started to make and sell Nossu and Jänks.

They makes magic - Nossu helps you to make your dream come true and Jänks gives you energy for that.

They also helped Hele.

There went days and days ...

the time was running faster and faster ...

and now, there I am. More than exited, more than happy and more than energetic. Now I have found my second family, my Belgian family. I can not be more thankful to my real family that they help me so so much. And I can't be more thankful to you, my host family, that you are there for me, you care and you make my feel like I already belong to you :)

It's hard to leave everything and everyone behind and "start from the beginning" but every story have it's own big adventure, that one special chapter that makes it interesting, and mine had just began.

2 kommentaari:

  1. Hele, ma loen sinu kirjutatud tekste ja mul võtab pisara märjaks. See on nii harukordselt imetlusväärne, kuidas sa suudad kõikidest inimestest nii suure soojusega rääkida. Sa vist ei kujuta ette, kuidas ma sinu unistuste täitumisele kaasa elan! Kogu südamest! Ja utsitan sind tagant veel suuremalt unistama, sest kui keegi, siis just sina oled väärt tervet maailma!

    1. Nii niiii niiiiii armas! Ma tunnen seda pea-aegu iga päev, kuidas sa mulle kaasa elad ja aitad ja see on VÄGA-VÄGA-VÄGA MEELDIV JA TORE JA ARMAS :) Aitäh, et sa mulle nii suureks abiks ja toeks oled!!!!!!
